predict例句在用"predict"造句 - 英語翻譯的討論與評價
造句與例句 手機版 · It 's hard to predict how things will turn out . · She predicted that he would marry a doctor . · Demand did not grow as fast as had been ...
predict 的例句. predict. In a language-learning situation with restricted availability to the target language, such a system would likely be ...
predict例句在predict - 用法_例句 - 海词词典的討論與評價
使用Reverso Context: to predict, predict the future, can't predict, predict whether, predict future,在英语-中文情境中翻译"predict"
predict例句在predict 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典的討論與評價
predict 造句/ 例句. 1. It is impossible to predict what will happen. 预知未来的事是不可能的。 《牛津词典》. 2. Defence planners predict an extended period ...
predict例句在關於Predict的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative的討論與評價
Q: 請提供關於predict 的例句給我。 A: No one can predict the future. He predicted that it was going to snow tomorrow. I can predict that this test ...
predict例句在predict例句- 头条搜索的討論與評價
predict 的过去式和用法例句_学习啦 · 学习啦 ; 英语predict的中文是什么意思_百分网 · 百分网 ; predict和forecast区别_高三网 · 高三网 ; predict content_口语例句 · 有道.
predict例句在千萬別光背單字 - FUNDAY的討論與評價
舉前面提過的單字為例,predict的用法,你可以把Funday文章中有predict出現的句子抄下來,或是看字典給的例句,比如說:They're predicting heavy ...
predict例句在句庫| forecast 例句 - Dr.eye 譯典通的討論與評價
I listened to the weather forecast. 我聽了天氣預報。 They split when the hurricane was forecast. 氣象預報有颶風要來,他們就離開邁阿密了。 The radio station ...
predict例句在predict的例句_predict造句_predict的用法 - 学习英语网的討論與評價
predict. I can predict something with great accuracy. 我能很准确地预测某事。 It is very difficult at this juncture to predict the company's future.